Edition: May 13th, 2021
Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS

(Image Credit: Freepik)
Excerpts from article by Sumedha Goel, published in India Today
Children are fast learners. Their ability to form complex ideas, deconstruct them, and get accustomed to new concepts is much more than that of an average adult.
However, this great strength of children is also proving to be a huge challenge during these times. Over the last year, parents have learnt how challenging it can be to raise children the right way during a pandemic.
With limited avenues to keep children occupied and invest their energies in, parents must look at more creative approaches.
Here are 5 parenting tips that can help you make way for a stronger parent-child relationship:
1. Reflect on what kind of example you’re setting
It is very important for parents to reflect on their behaviour, actions and interactions with their children.
The pandemic has put everybody on a tight schedule to manage work and home from under the same roof. You must realise this is the first time that your kids are seeing your professional side too. They are likely to learn and question your behaviour, your manner of interaction with colleagues, etc.
Word of caution: It’s better to plan your schedule and tasks beforehand to avoid misunderstandings or displaying any aggressive behaviour.
2. Engage in social learning opportunities
Social learning opportunities can be helpful – for example when you engage with other parents who are going through the same phase, or your child’s teachers who can also offer support in managing schedules better.
Also, focus on building your child’s knowledge apart from their academics. Anything that gives you an insight into their thoughts and perceptions will help you get closer to them.
Tip: Something as simple as puzzle-solving with your children, or discussion on their favourite person, food, hobby, etc., can make for great interactions.
3. Ensure quality family time
It is very important for the young ones to understand the value of family as a structure. They must be comfortable and open with their extended family, including grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.
Go for regular family video calls. Fun game nights, karaoke night or dance sessions can be arranged over zoom calls to initiate bonding while playing.
Benefit: This boosts the children’s understanding of belongingness and the importance of maintaining relationships.
4. Teach kids about patience by being patient
The times are tough for everybody. It is the first time for your kids to see you in multiple roles. Patience is an important virtue that will go a long way for both you and your children.
Lesson: Helping young ones learn about the virtue of patience is a healthy step towards their overall social and mental growth.
5. Make time for daily reading
Daily reading time with your children can be established as a long-term good habit, giving you extra time with them. You can select the material depending on the child’s age and interests: fiction, non-fiction, a history lesson or a news article. Let them have an open dialogue with you and get answers to their questions.
Benefit: This will help them build their critical thinking skills apart vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and knowledge.
(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)