Education & Career Trends: 6 Big Digital Trends to Watch in 2022

5 min read

Edition: January 21st, 2022Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS Excerpts from article by Theo Tzanidis, published on According to recent McKinsey research,…

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Career Trends: Importance of Upskilling in the Health-Tech Space

4 min read

Edition: January 7th, 2022Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS Excerpts from article by Saurabh Kochhar, published on Digital and technological innovation…

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Education & Career Trends: The 5 Biggest Internet of Things (IoT) Trends in 2022

6 min read

Edition: December 20th, 2021Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS Excerpts from article by Bernard Marr, published on Forbes The Internet of Things…

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Career Trends: Who will lead the digital transformation in hospitality?

4 min read

Edition: November 18th, 2021Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS Excerpts from article by Max Starkov, published on The digital transformation, driven…

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Career Trends: Rethinking Leadership in the Digital Age

4 min read

Edition: September 17th, 2021Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS Excerpts from article by Amir Sohrabi, published on Never before there’s been…

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Career Trends: How Digitalisation is Transforming the Future of Finance

3 min read

Edition: August 21st, 2021Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS Excerpts from article by Stephan Sigrist, published on the World Economic Forum website…

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