Education and Career News / Trends from around the World — April 10th, 2021

5 min read

Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS


If you have been neglecting your mental health, don’t worry. Now is a good time to start.
(Image Credit Freepik)

Tips to boost your mental health

Excerpts from article by Lidija Globokar, published in the Forbes

Mental fitness should be part of your daily routine. If you feel you have been neglecting this aspect of your life, don’t worry. Now is a good time to start. Here are some tips that will help you stay mentally fit:

1. Get Enough Sleep 

Sleep is crucial for your immune system to function well and for your mental health. Experts recommend that you should sleep between 6 and 8 hours per night. Even 15 minutes less can make a huge difference in how you feel the next morning. Also, try and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

2. Fuel Your Brain

Brain food or superfoods help you to keep your mental fitness up. The next time you’re grocery shopping, grab some nuts like walnuts or almonds instead of candy. Also, look out for green vegetables and fatty fish. According to studies, adding one portion of vegetables and fruit to your daily diet increases your mental well-being and life satisfaction.

3. Stress Less, Laugh More 

Stress isn’t good for your health, including your mental health. Hit pause when you’re feeling stressed. This means that you stop what you’re doing, even if it’s only for five minutes, and you get out your joy list. Your joy list is your go-to list for moments of despair, sadness, stress. It’s a list with things that bring you joy. Try it out. Your mental health will thank you later.

4. Create Connections

As human beings we need to connect, we’re not meant to live on our own and that’s why it’s crucial to train your ‘relationship muscle’. Even the most hardcore introvert needs some social interaction to get out of their zone and step into the real world. It also prevents us from getting too comfortable with negative thoughts and brings some light and colour into everyday life.

5. Take That ‘Green Pill’

Yes, nature is the ‘Green Pill’. If you take at least a 20-minute walk per day surrounded by some greenery, your stress hormone levels will decrease.


Upskill yourself to remain a valuable professional in the post-Covid era.
(Image Source: India Today)

This is how job seekers can upskill from home

Excerpts from article published by the India Today Web Desk

While the Covid-19 pandemic has restricted our movement, with even employers directing their staff to work from home, it is a perfect opportunity for job seekers to invest their time and energy in learning new skills.

By remaining in the comfort of their homes, students and job seekers can assess the importance of each suitable skillset, learn them, and plan how to approach the job market.

Below are some quick tips for job seekers to be aware of while upskilling from home:

1. Research online courses properly

Properly research the courses offered by online learning platforms. Several EdTech companies are integrating technology to offer personalised learning opportunities to young professionals. These courses can help you learn skills at your own pace, as per your availability of time.

2. Interact with your online course peers

Aspirants can reap more benefits from e-learning courses by interacting with fellow participants through online communities, and taking active part in Q&A sessions and online group discussions. Such opportunities will also allow you to practise your skills, and even prepare for the interview process.

3. Plan your upskilling journey well

It is essential to set achievable goals to learn a skill. Every job aspirant is unique in terms of their area of interest, knowledge and proficiency in a topic. Therefore, you should plan your learning as per your abilities and circumstances.

4. Look for mentors and expert guidance

It is essential to receive mentorship from noteworthy and high achieving professionals who can guide students through their career journey. Speak about your area of interest or listen to experts talk on the subject. This brings forth fresh perspectives and will allow you to learn significant insights just through a few mouse clicks.

5. Connect with others in your field

Professional social media platforms provide ample opportunities for aspiring job seekers to network with experts. It will help you understand the nuances of the job roles you wish to apply for, and also improve your interpersonal skills. This is a powerful strategy to understand the skills required and identify successful professionals across industries.

6. Look out for free learning opportunities

Over the past few months, experts in all industries have taken part in hundreds of free seminars, and everyone stands to benefit from acquiring freely available knowledge and resources. The internet is full of valuable podcasts, many of which can be impressive classroom lessons if aspirants show the enthusiasm to learn.

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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