8 Indispensable Digital Skills You Need to Succeed at Work

5 min read

Education & Career Trends: September 18

Curated by the Knowledge Team of  ICS Career GPS

The secret is to adapt to technology and not be afraid to explore and experiment.

  • Experts are taken from an article published on makeuseof.com.

Are you equipped with the essential digital skills to ensure the longevity of your career? Embracing digital proficiency enhances your employability and safeguards your professional journey against evolving industry trends. In an era where businesses are increasingly adopting digital strategies, it’s imperative to be able to navigate digital landscapes for information retrieval and online communication.

Explore the vital digital competencies required for achieving success in the workplace:

1. Computer Skills

With increasing digitisation comes the demand for workers with computer skills. Basic computer skills include operating a computer and smartphone, using a mouse, searching online, and using common tools such as Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. Many companies require workers to have these skills for work.

A shocking report from the National Skills Coalition found that 38 per cent of workers with zero digital skills and 43 per cent with limited digital skills are employed in jobs requiring moderate or complex computer skills. Workers resort to delaying tactics or asking for help from colleagues or family members, significantly reducing productivity.

2. Digital Reading

Digital reading is different from reading print. You can still apply the reading strategies you learned in school. However, the digital space exposes you to unique sources such as hypertext, images, videos, web forums, and social networks. Workplaces will increasingly use these digital sources to accomplish tasks more efficiently.

You need advanced reading skills to make sense of the information you receive from different channels. According to the book Learning to Read in a Digital World, you need to develop the following advanced digital reading skills:

  • Search and navigation skills to identify relevant web pages and links.
  • Synthesizing multiple pieces of information in different digital formats.
  • Evaluating information and deciding if they’re credible or not.

3. Communication

Communication is consistently one of the in-demand skills you need to land a job. Every workplace requires you to clearly express your ideas, actively listen, ask relevant questions, and adopt a respectful posture. These skills are just as important when done virtually.

You can never go wrong with constantly improving your online communication skills. Many employers use digital apps such as Slack, Skype, Zoom, and Gmail to communicate. With more jobs opening up in the remote space, communication will remain a vital skill you will always need at work.

4. Digital Problem-Solving

Can you solve everyday workplace problems using digital technologies?

The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) assesses digital problem-solving skills by simulating simple tasks such as asking adults to organise emails in folders or returning a lamp to an online store.

To succeed in digital problem-solving, you need basic computer skills, communication skills, and common sense.

5. Content Curation

The word “curator” brings images of someone looking after museum artefacts. In the virtual world, a content curator collates and selects the best digital content. 

Content curation is important if you want to succeed in the digital workplace. For instance, you must be strategic if your boss asks you to research a specific topic. With all the information available online, you need to know what to include and what to leave out. Afterwards, you also need to decide which online tool will work best to present your findings.

6. Social Media

Millions of professionals, recruiters, businesses, and potential clients use social media for work. It’s one of the best ways to market yourself online as a job seeker. Without social media skills, you’ll miss out on the benefits these platforms can give you to reach your career goals.

Choose a platform and explore how it can help you widen your network, learn new skills, and apply for new opportunities.

7. Digital Content Creation

Knowing how to develop content opens up doors to more jobs. Almost every business needs a digital content creator to reach more customers. Even if your job doesn’t require creating content, you can still use these skills for your social media pages. These skills can even lead to a freelance career as a content creator or influencer.

Digital content creation involves writing and making graphics or videos. Take time to practice, and you’ll soon be able to create appealing and engaging content.

8. Collaboration

Learning to work with others is an important life skill. At work, digital collaboration skills are a must, whether you work remotely or in person. Even if you put up your own business, knowing how to work with your employees and deal with clients is essential.

Digital collaboration helps teams solve problems and generate new ideas despite differences in time zones or locations. Tools such as Asana, ClickUp, and Trello extend the workplace beyond the physical walls of the office. You and your peers can collaborate on a Google Doc, learn through Zoom, or brainstorm using Canva Whiteboard.

Build Digital Skills by Adapting to New Technology

You will always need digital skills at work. Start learning and practicing if you want to become a strong candidate for more jobs. The secret is to adapt to technology and not be afraid to explore and experiment. You can start by picking one skill that you need to improve.

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(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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