Career Trends: 7 ways to create an exciting and fulfilling career!

4 min read

Edition: August 19th, 2021
Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS

A meaningful career doesn’t just happen. You have to proactively create it through your intentional choices and actions. (Image Credit: Getty)
  • Excerpts from article by Amy Blaschka, published on

Building your career is exciting because it gives you a chance to shape your life the way you want it to be. It can be frightening to not know what it is that you want to do and how you should make a living. But the more you are in charge of the process, the more fulfilled you will feel.

Building a fulfilling and exciting career is all about setting a distinctly defined long-term goal and then gradually working towards it. Making progress towards a meaningful goal is the most rewarding thing.

But a meaningful career doesn’t just happen. You have to proactively create it through your intentional choices and actions.

Here are seven ways to build an exciting and fulfilling career:

1. Be curious, welcome new experiences

When you’re curious, you’re open to:

  • Exploring new ideas, experiences and possibilities
  • Meeting new people and learning new things
  • Leaving behind outdated mindsets and limiting beliefs to make room for your highest and best self

It’s the openness, that curiosity — that fuels career growth.

2. Build meaningful relationships

  • At its core, business is about relationships.
  • No matter your job function or title, to succeed you must interact with others.
  • Focus on cultivating relationships over transactions to build trust and connection.
  • Remember to enlist the help of coaches, mentors and trusted advisors.
  • Those who are where you’d like to be and have done what you need to do to get there can offer the most relevant and meaningful counsel on your professional journey.

3. Reframe failure as an ingredient of success

  • Failure and success aren’t mutually exclusive; they’re connected.
  • Leaders use failure as fuel, maintaining grit and perseverance to keep going.
  • By reframing failure as an ingredient of success, you’ll adjust your mindset to a more positive one where you see failure as a necessity.
  • Consider, too, that making mistakes helps you learn.
  • Your ability to adapt to failures is vital; a “failure” is only a mistake if you failed to learn. 

4. Veer off the predictable path

  • Lose the notion that there’s only one road to greatness.
  • Veering off the predictable path means you willingly seek complementary education, skills and experiences that enrich your journey, add to your professional story, and help differentiate you from your peers. 

5. Switch to a growth mindset

  • Your perspective is the lens through which you view yourself, your career and the world.
  • Perspective, coupled with your mindset, affects the story you tell yourself and others, and impacts your potential.
  • It also influences your behaviour, thoughts and opinions, and how you believe you can make an impact.
  • When we’re pessimistic, we tend to adopt a victim mentality, and the negativity affects our attitude in harmful ways.
  • If you’re stuck in a fixed mindset, you believe your intelligence or talent is set in stone.
  • Switching to a growth mindset means you believe you can — and will — improve and see every opportunity as a chance to grow and learn.

6. Move outside your comfort zone

  • If you keep doing the same things, you’ll never grow.
  • Get over your fear and jump out of your comfort zone.
  • When you challenge yourself to try something that scares you, you’ll move beyond words to action.
  • When you successfully master that challenge, you’ll have newfound confidence.
  • You’ll gain positive attention for your fearlessness and initiative.
  • Your decision to take a leap of faith can be the catalyst for further growth.

7. Invest in yourself and life-long learning

  • You’ll never regret investing in yourself.
  • Your ability to adapt and learn is essential to the survival and growth of your career, so make a conscious effort to add to your skillset.
  • Seek out new ideas, information and perspectives, even if they differ from your own.
  • Aim to be a lifelong learner, and you’ll up your knowledge base and value.

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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