Education Trends: 4 Ways to Kickstart Your Wellness Routine Today!

3 min read

Edition: December 12th, 2021
Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle goes beyond just physical health and appearances. (Image Source:

When it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle, it’s the small decisions and changes that have a great impact on our individual wellness journeys. Wellness is not just one thing. In fact, maintaining a healthy lifestyle goes beyond just physical health and appearances, extending into areas like a person’s emotional, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing.

To help bring out the healthiest, happiest version of ourselves, experts recommend addressing the whole person – mind, body, spirit and all.

To help you kickstart a successful health and wellness routine rooted in a holistic approach, consider the following tips:

1. Anchor yourself in the present with mindfulness.

  • Starting your day with a focus on mindfulness can contribute to easier and relaxed moments that translate into better days mentally and physically.
  • Deep full breathing helps you anchor yourself in the present.
  • When we become aware of our breathing, we also calm our nervous system, which helps us settle into a relaxed space and feel more awake and alive.

2. Boost your immunity with balanced nourishment.

  • What we put into our bodies is critical and incorporating ingredients to help support our immune system is just one way to help us feel our best year-round.
  • There are many ways to support our immune function through nutrition, including incorporating nutrient-rich foods into your diet.
  • A simple way to boost our immunity is to go for a balanced diet and effective dietary supplements. E.g., you should eat foods rich in immune-supporting vitamin C — a nutrient synonymous with immune health.

3. Create your ‘daily joy list’.

  • When you’re having a busy day, it is important to not lose sight of the joys in your life. Create a list of three to five things that bring you happiness.
  • This list will make it easy for you to remember what brings you peace and ease, and empowers you to make necessary changes yourself.
  • Some things to include in a joy list can be going for a quick walk, playing games with family, watching a show or gardening.
  • Even when you’re having a great day, you can still turn to the joy list for a way to keep the goodness and positive vibes going.

4. Schedule daily exercise in your calendar – like an important meeting!

  • Staying active not only has a positive effect on your body, but on your immune health and overall wellness.
  • There are many benefits when it comes to sweating, including helping to improve focus, mood, productivity and confidence.
  • Schedule exercise in your calendar or daily schedule like you would an important meeting/appointment — this helps us keep our commitment to movement.

Start off with these small steps and gradually increase your efforts toward building a routine that works best for you. With the above tips in mind, you will find that implementing quick and easy habits helps to make a big, lasting impact on your overall health.


Have you checked out yesterday’s blog yet?

Education & Career Trends: How to use mindfulness correctly

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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