How AI Can Help Humans Become More Human

4 min read

Education & Career Trends: February 7

Curated by the Knowledge Team of  ICS Career GPS

Beyond individual well-being, AI holds immense promise in nurturing humanity’s mental and spiritual facets.

Article by Arianna Huffington, published on Original article link.

In the current discourse surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), much attention is directed towards aligning AI with human values. However, amidst these discussions, an intriguing possibility emerges – one that excites not in how AI can emulate humanity, but rather how it can facilitate humans in becoming more human themselves.

This transformative potential is twofold, encompassing both personal and universal dimensions.

Personal Transformation Through AI

In recent decades, the realm of behavioural science has witnessed significant advancements, unveiling the profound influence of five fundamental daily behaviours – sleep, nutrition, physical activity, stress management, and social connections – on overall health. While AI in healthcare predominantly focuses on diagnostic and drug development innovations, the true essence of health often lies in the daily choices individuals make.

The concept of behaviour change, albeit challenging, proves achievable through incremental, daily adjustments, leveraging the principle of “goal gradients.” By breaking down objectives into attainable milestones, individuals are more motivated to pursue healthier habits. Here, the potential of AI as a personalised coach emerges, utilising biometric data, preferences, and cutting-edge behaviour change science to guide individuals towards sustainable lifestyle improvements.

Imagine an AI coach tailored to one’s unique needs – recommending personalised nutrition, exercise routines, stress reduction techniques, and social interactions conducive to overall well-being. Through continuous learning and adaptation, this AI companion becomes adept at understanding individual learning styles and preferences, fostering the development of healthier habits that transcend mere knowledge acquisition.

Universal Transformation: Nurturing Humanity’s Essence

Beyond individual well-being, AI holds immense promise in nurturing humanity’s mental and spiritual facets. Across various spiritual and philosophical traditions, a common thread underscores the existence of an innate wisdom within individuals, albeit often obscured by life’s complexities. Herein lies AI’s potential to serve as a guiding compass, steering individuals towards this centred place of wisdom and strength.

By discerning individual inclinations towards poetry, music, nature, and spiritual teachings, AI can facilitate a deeper connection to one’s inner self, fostering personal growth and resilience. Moreover, AI’s ability to provide real-time support for adopting healthier behaviours offers numerous opportunities for individuals to engage in reflective moments, aligning their actions with their aspirational selves.

Shaping AI for Human Flourishing

As AI continues to evolve, it is imperative to steer its trajectory towards incentivising behaviours that promote human flourishing. While some AI models may prioritise attention-mining and instant gratification, alternative approaches must prioritise guiding individuals towards their desired outcomes and intrinsic values.

By harnessing AI’s potential to liberate individuals from mundane tasks, more time becomes available for introspection, contemplation, and spiritual practice. Already, anecdotes abound of individuals utilising AI platforms for personal growth and self-improvement, underscoring its transformative capacity beyond conventional applications.

Conclusion: Architects of Our Future

In contemplating the future of AI, it is essential to recognise it as a tool shaped by human intentions and aspirations. As we navigate this technological frontier, let us not only envision what AI can be but also contemplate who we aspire to become. By fostering a symbiotic relationship between AI and humanity, we pave the way for a future where technological advancements serve as catalysts for individual and collective flourishing. After all, in this journey of self-discovery and advancement, humans remain the architects of their destiny, with AI serving as a formidable ally in realising their highest potential.

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(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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