Education & Career Trends: May 20, 2024
Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS

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Article by Forbes Young Entrepreneur Council, published on Original article link.
Graduation season is quickly approaching, and many soon-to-be grads are now being inundated with advice from advisors, professors and family members about their chosen career paths.
Deciding where to work can be a daunting decision, especially with so many promising fields to go into. Luckily, there are numerous ways for graduates to apply their degrees and past work experiences to find fulfilling and exciting entry-level positions.
The experts of Young Entrepreneur Council share their thoughts on the best careers to get into right now and offer advice for future job seekers.
1. Event Promotion
- Event promotion is a great career to enter now with many creative solutions from the special event industry.
- So there is a lot of pent-up potential for new hires in the event industry,
- It’s a project-based and results-driven industry that requires employees to learn the business quickly and wear many hats at once.
2. Online Community Management
- Building the bridge between Web 2.0 and Web3 will require a shift in marketing strategies and experts in community building.
- Growing Web 2.0 companies focus on generating leads and acquiring and retaining customers. Web3 is about bringing in users early to build a community, understanding what creators, influencers and communities engage with is key here
- If you have the skill set to identify what makes a brand different and unique, and how to rely on these points to engage a community, that will ultimately ensure a successful business and career.
3. Clean Technology
- Focusing on one career in narrow ways doesn’t work anymore, you need to have expertise in one area but also build your knowledge in some other field. For example, you could do business management but also learn to code in your spare time.
- Employers look for people who like to learn and can do a few different things.
- Cleantech is a growing sphere where you can become highly specialised, and your skills will be in demand. It can also help you find work in countries that focus on these technologies.
4. Entrepreneurism
Candice Georgiadis, Digital Day
- Choose any career that you can turn into a business.
- The pandemic taught most of us one major lesson: You should always have a Plan B.
- As the world shifts to remote working, it’s become clear that you can still offer your services remotely and be good at what you’re doing.
- So why not go for careers such as marketing, graphic design, computer programming, etc., that you can offer wherever you are and still make good money.
5. Data Analysis
Jonathan Prichard,
- Any career related to data will be in demand in the future.
- Collecting data, manipulating it, analysing it, interpreting it and turning it into something new and useful (e.g., artificial intelligence and machine learning) will be highly sought-after skills.
- That means people who focus on improving their technical skills, analysis and interpretation skills will have many job opportunities.
- Networking and continuing education will be critical.
6. Public Relations
- There needs to be a good partnership to help the brand raise its authority, build relationships with key audiences and ultimately take the business to the next level.
- With proper connections, a good PR professional can do their job efficiently.
7. Content Production
- If you are graduating with a liberal arts degree, an easy fit is content production and is always in demand in many fields.
- You can also showcase your writing easily without having to show many references of past work or referrals.
- Start a web portfolio and write articles relating to different subjects and industries and then start looking for work.
- There is upward mobility as well in content production, content management and becoming a chief marketing officer are not out of the question.
8. Customer Service
Givelle Lamano, Lamano Law Office
- Soft skills that will be difficult to imitate even with modern technology.
- Customer service may not be the career for the long haul, but it will give you hundreds of hours of learning to speak to people from different walks of life.
- No matter where you go in life, learning to talk to people, understanding their issues and being authentic is invaluable.
9. What Suits You Best
- It’s not about the best career as much as it’s about the best career for you.
- The first step in the process of finding the best career for you is to get to know yourself.
- What are your interests? What is your personality? What are your values? These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself.
Have you checked out yesterday’s blog yet?
6 Career Trends to look out for in 2024
(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)
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